Thursday 21 May 2009

New Meeting

The meeting I went to on a Tuesday was a weigh-in only one, so I decided to go to the one on a Thursday. I didn't expect to get weighed again, but I'd lost another 1/2lb which is great! For 2 days :-)
Went to the gym after the meeting and did 30 mins on the cross-trainer, 5 on the rowing machine (not a fan, so didn't last long!), 30 on the bike, and 15 on the treadmill, which meant 80 mins and 5 earned points :-D
Feeling good about myself today - woohoo!

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Day Seven - Weigh In!

End of week one!
Quite disappointed with my weight loss, it was 2lbs and I thought it'd be more, but 2lbs is a good enough start!
Bought a load of the snack bars because they are yummilicious!
I've only just had my lunch, so not really much to report today.
This is probably the last "daily" one, I'll just update a couple of time a week from now on.
Yay for week one!

Day Six

OK so this is actually day seven, but I was planning on keeping a blog every day for my first week then a few times a week after.
I had a lovely day, and given it was the day that my boyfriend was treating me to a nice birthday day.
I was really quite good food wise! We shared a piece of cake at Beanscene, I had a wee bit of the pic'n'mix at the cinema, houmous and pitta and salad at Tchaiovna, and a salad with chicken skewers for dinner out at the pub.
Was a great day!!

Sunday 17 May 2009

Day Five

Not *too* bad a day today. Was pretty good until I had a lolly ice-cream.
Made the WW creamy mushrooms on toast for lunch and that was good.
Also had the WW spag bol for dinner.
Spent 30 mins on the Wii Fit today, so I feel like I've done something good :-)
It said my BMI was 28.14 or something, which is better than 30! But I don't know how accurate that is.
There has been a lot of vegging around told.
I finally found some sugar free jelly to make! So that is in the fridge the now to eat soon :-)

Saturday 16 May 2009

Day Four

It is my birthday today so the dieting went out the window. Probs didn't go too far over my points plus the saved ones though!

Friday 15 May 2009

Day Three

Done OK today! Had crumpets again and salad again. More free soup which was good!
Weighed myself on my own scales today. They're pretty inaccurate but said 10st9.5lbs which made me quite happy.
Bought some WW meals today so they are nice, complicated meals with low points values that I can have. Had chicken hot pot for dinner which was yummy.
Bought some Müller rice for desserts, but found out that it is 4 points for a pot! So had half a pot now and will maybe have the rest later.
That's all for now!

Thursday 14 May 2009

Day Two

Whoops! Didn't use enough points yesterday. My allowance is 19. You should use at least 16. I used 14.5. Wasn't intentional - I'm just getting used to the plan.
I had a stick of Twirl yesterday and another today for 2.5 points each. Not bad!
Crumpets are like the most amazing thing on this diet. 1 point each and they are so yummy and satisfying!
I've eaten a lot today. Crumpets with a touch of butter this morning, Twirl, cherries, 0point soup (it's so amazing!) huuuge salad etc.
The salad was a bit of a triumph. I generally don't like salad, but I made this one myself. Used watercress, spinach and rocket from a packet, added in half an apple and a handful of grapes. And made an orange vinaigrette dressing that a friend gave me the recipe for. One point for the whole lot and I have enough for one later.
Also made a huge pot of point-free soup. All it was made from was a butternut squash, an onion, a red pepper, and stock. It was lovely. I've had 2 big bowls and still have loads left over.
Feeling really good about this - I'm not getting hungry and I'm enjoying my food a lot.